About This Project
Welcome to the American Converts Database
With this database, you can explore the lives and relationships of converts in American history. Convert records are categorized by geographical location, date, religion, and sex, among others, and you can also track familial, social, and religious relationships between converts. Finally, you can collaborate with scholars around the world to deepen our understanding of the American religious experience!
The greater the level of contribution from the community, the more we can all benefit from the database. To that end, we've made it as easy as possible for you to contribute. Entering converts or conversion experiences into the database is as easy as filling out a simple form. Larger lists of converts in spreadsheet form can even be imported directly. Don't worry if you don't know every detail of your convert's life, just contribute what you know so that others can begin to help you fill in the details.
Born out of a conversation at the 2013 meeting of the American Historical Association, this project is a collaboration between two scholars:
- Erin Bartram, University of Connecticut ([email protected])
- Lincoln Mullen, Brandeis University ([email protected])
Contact either of them with questions, suggestions, or to request a contributor account.
The header image for this database is a sketch of the Dwight Mission station near Russelville, Arkansas, in 1824, the home of American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions missionaries and Cherokee converts to Christianity.